The convenience of giving certain foods of the human diet to dogs is one of the most recurrent debates regarding the care of dogs. Many of them generate some doubts and avocado is one more. It is a food that has become fashionable in recent years for the benefits it brings to the body, something that is questioned in the case of dogs.
Despite being a fruit that was believed to be quite fattening, advising against frequent or excessive consumption, in recent times it has been shown that avocado fats are healthy. Their popularity continues to increase due to their multiple benefits, but it is important to clarify if they are transferable to furry ones. To find out if dogs can eat avocado, its benefits and how to give them responsibly, in we recommend that you continue reading this article.
Can dogs eat avocado or not?
One of the foods that are usually included in the popular lists of fruits forbidden for dogs is avocado. It is considered as a potentially toxic food and that, consumed in excessive proportions (something very difficult), can even cause death. What is the truth in all this? In OneHowTo we help you solve this question.
According to the Pet Poison Helpline [1], it is a food that, consumed improperly, can cause mild poisoning in dogs and cats. In other animals such as birds and ruminants, avocado can cause a moderate to severe reaction.
Why can avocado poison a dog? This is due to a toxin called persin found in the pit and peel of the fruit. Therefore, if your furry eats any of these two parts, he may develop the following symptoms: nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and decay.
However, from Pet Poison Helpline ensure that it is not a poisonous toxin for dogs and that, because of this, symptoms may appear in some cases. Being a mild poisoning, it will be enough for you to go to a veterinarian to prescribe the ideal treatment for the control and elimination of the toxin from the dog’s body.
If your furry takes the bone, the risk of suffocation is high because it could get stuck in his throat and produce an obstruction, being a big problem for his health that you must address immediately by urgently going to the veterinarian. Instead, you can eat the pulp of the avocado since nothing will happen to you.
In short, avocado is good for dogs as long as they eat the pulp of the fruit, while both the bone and the shell are forbidden parts for them.
Benefits of avocado for dogs
After clarifying that dogs can eat avocado, only the pulp, it is important to take into account the benefits it brings to their health. With a nutritional value of 160 calories per 100 grams of food, it contains multiple beneficial properties for your furry.
Healthy fats
Avocado provides unsaturated fats, that is, free of bad cholesterol. They are essential for the proper absorption of vitamins. In addition, they provide a good amount of energy, are essential in nervous tissues and contribute to the balance of cholesterol levels.
Within the unsaturated fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, which are divided into omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Avocado contains both types and provides your furry with the benefits mentioned.
Benefits on the skin
The high content of vitamin E makes avocado a natural remedy for good skin maintenance. In this way, it contributes to your dog’s healthy and smooth skin. Vitamin E also stimulates the creation of red blood cells and promotes the formation of collagen, thus promoting wound healing. Here you can read about How to heal a wound to a dog.
Avocado contains many vitamins (B5, B6, B9, C, E and K) and minerals such as potassium. Therefore, it provides antioxidant properties to the canine organism helping to prevent premature cellular oxidation. In this way, the chances of your dog developing degenerative diseases and old age decrease.
In addition, being rich in vitamins and antioxidants, avocado helps strengthen your immune system, preparing it to defend itself from the possible attack of bacteria or viruses that penetrate your body.
Benefits for the heart
The folic acid provided by avocado promotes the creation of red blood cells, so it is very beneficial for dogs with anemia. Dogs with this type of deficiency are impaired in heart function because folic acid reduces the amount of homocysteine, that is, a compound that facilitates blood clotting and increases the obstruction of blood vessels. In short, avocado is good for the prevention of heart attacks and other pathologies linked to the heart and arteries of your faithful companion. Here you can learn more about How to care for a dog with anemia.
How to give avocado to my dog
The dog is a carnivorous animal. On this basis, vegetables and fruits should occupy between 15% and 20% of their diet, at most. To ensure that it benefits from all the properties of avocado, in OneHowTo we recommend that you offer pieces of the pulp from time to time to your furry.
It is important that you remember to remove the bone and the shell of the fruit before giving it because, as explained in previous sections, only the pulp is good for dogs. If you eat a piece of shell or bone, nothing may happen or yes, so better prevent.
Now that you know that dogs can eat avocado with caution and how to give it, we recommend exploring other common foods. Find out here the answers to Can dogs eat mushrooms? and can dogs eat potatoes?
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