Home Dog Can dogs eat broccoli?

Can dogs eat broccoli?

Can dogs eat broccoli?

The canine diet is based on animal protein and can be supplemented with some vegetables, so the compositions of the feed should have much more animal protein than vegetables. Giving feed to dogs is not the only option, because of course in nature they do not feed on this, and they can be offered a much more varied diet, as long as we try to have an adequate balance for them.

Can dogs eat broccoli

Broccoli is a good example of a common food in our diet that can cause some widespread doubts about the convenience of giving it to dogs. Broccoli is not a food that your furry little one will ask you for instinctively, but it can have many benefits for his health if you give it to him properly. Therefore, it is interesting that you eat it, but not in any way. To find out if dogs can eat broccoli, the most important benefits for the canine organism and how to give it to them, in we recommend that you continue reading this article.

Can dogs eat broccoli or not?

Dogs can eat broccoli as with other vegetables, but always respecting their food pyramid and in moderate quantities. Natural food is essential in the canine diet, maintaining a balance between vitamins, minerals and proteins.

Homemade snacks are also included in this diet. Broccoli is an excellent reward for your furry friend whenever he deserves it, as he may like it and at the same time get all the benefits of the vegetable. Of course, you will have to test whether your furry likes it or not.

However, dogs cannot eat broccoli in any way. Cooking it is the best option and raw can also be ingested, but you must prepare it well to avoid that it can sit badly in your stomach.

What benefits does broccoli have for dogs?

Broccoli is among the varieties of cabbage, being in this way a vegetable belonging to the cruciferous family. It provides an enormous number of benefits for the human organism; In fact, it is considered one of the most interesting foods in nutritional and health terms. Although the benefits in humans are greater, broccoli also has a great positive impact on canine health:

  • 100 grams of broccoli contains 35 calories and 89.3 grams of water, making it a sensational food to take care of your little fury’s diet and a good way to hydrate and get a good source of vitamins, fibers and minerals by eating natural products.
  • It is a vegetable rich in vitamins. It contains vitamins A, C, E, and K from which dogs’ benefit. These especially favor the coat, eyesight, teeth and canine nails.
  • The vitamin K in broccoli contributes to the protection of the heart and the strengthening of the bones of dogs. It also strengthens the immune system and helps detoxify your body.
  • It contains a great antioxidant power. The aforementioned vitamins, flavonoids and the number of carotenes make broccoli an important natural source of antioxidants. In the case of dogs, it has a good impact on reducing the likelihood of premature cell oxidation, a key factor that encourages the development of cardiovascular problems or tumors.
  • Eating broccoli helps fight anemia in dogs because of its iron and folate content. Even so, the intake of this food can never be the only solution to treat the anemia of your little furry, surely it will not be enough on its own: go to a veterinarian to follow the guidelines he indicates.
  • Improving digestion is another benefit of broccoli in dogs. It contains a large amount of minerals and fiber that benefit your digestion. It is important that you eat it in proper proportions so that it does not cause the opposite effect. If you give the vegetable in small portions, it is a good resource to treat or prevent canine constipation.
  • The intake of broccoli is suitable in diabetic dogs. They can consume it without any problem and will even benefit from the consequences of the disease thanks to its antioxidant properties, its impact on the immune and cardiovascular system (helps prevent damage to blood vessels).

How to give broccoli to my dog

It is important to know that, although your dog can eat a variety of foods and that they are very present in human food, his digestive system is different from ours. The metabolization you will have will be different and, therefore, you will not be able to eat large amounts of food that we can, as is the case with broccoli.

Some substances contained in vegetables can cause stomach problems in your dog and even poisoning. Therefore, it is advisable to cook it before giving it. Remember that the percentage of fruits and vegetables should not exceed 15% of the total canine diet and always with a variety of natural products.

Although cooked broccoli is the best way to give it to your furry little one, you can also give him raw broccoli if you prepare it well: remove the central stem and wash it thoroughly so that it does not cause any stomach problems. Especially if you are going to provide raw broccoli, in OneHowTo we recommend that you opt for an organic and good quality one.

Since you’ve already discovered all this about broccoli for dogs, you may want to learn more about vegetable options for dogs, but remember that their diet should be based on animal protein, both meat and fish, and you can supplement it with vegetables. Discover our articles:

  • Can dogs eat carrots?
  • Can dogs eat eggplant?
  • Can dogs eat artichokes?
  • Pumpkin for dogs: benefits, dosage and how to prepare it

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