Home Dog Can dogs eat eggplant?

Can dogs eat eggplant?

Can dogs eat eggplant?

The feeding of dogs is one of the most important aspects to take care of so that they grow healthy and can develop from puppies. Beyond the specific food for dogs, they can also eat other foods much more common in our diet than in theirs. A product of which there are doubts about the convenience of giving a furry is eggplant.

Can dogs eat eggplant

Eggplant is one of the tastiest and most nutritious vegetables, so it is highly recommended in anyone’s diet. It can also fit into the food plan of dogs, but not in any way since special care must be taken in the way it is provided. To clarify your doubt about whether dogs can eat eggplant or not, know the benefits of this food in dogs and how to give it to your furry, in we recommend that you continue reading this article.

Can dogs eat eggplants or not?

Answering the question directly, dogs CAN eat eggplants. The factor that determines the convenience of the intake of this food is the way in which it is offered, since they cannot eat it in any way. Eggplant contains solanine in its composition. It is an element capable of causing poisoning in animals such as dogs if they do not eat it properly. Therefore, it is essential that they do not ingest raw eggplant because they will be introducing this toxic substance into the body.

Therefore, never give your little furry eggplant raw and even less in large quantities. When you decide to provide it, you must cook it. Even so, it is important that you also do it in small portions, especially if you are going to eat it for the first time. Being a food that, naturally or instinctively, your dog will not ask for, pay close attention to the intake of cooked eggplant. Watch it in the hours after to make sure it digests it smoothly. Otherwise, go to a veterinarian immediately and give up the idea of giving eggplant on later occasions.

What benefits does eggplant have for dogs

Eggplant provides many benefits in the health of the human being. The same thing happens in dogs. Here you have nutritional information and the properties and benefits of eggplant for dogs:

  • It is a food rich in minerals, both phosphorus and magnesium and calcium, but especially iron. This factor makes it highly recommended to alleviate cases of anemia. The rest of the minerals also help prevent heart disease, osteoporosis and arthritis.
  • Eggplant contains folic acid (vitamin B9) and other vitamins (A, B1, B2 and C), thus becoming a food that helps fight different diseases.
  • It contains a high condensation of flavonoids, that is, very popular pigments because they provide protection to cells against harmful agents.
  • Eggplants contain large amounts of water and very few calories, thus being a satiating food and whose intake is not fattening.
  • Its contribution of fibers allows it to be a very useful food to combat constipation in dogs. It also contains calcium, so it helps strengthen canine bones.
  • Eggplant is an antioxidant food when colored and, as has been exposed, contains a large amount of water that makes it an excellent diuretic.
  • They are foods that, thanks to the substances they contain, stimulate the activity of the liver. In this way, they contribute to reducing cholesterol levels.
  • The skin of this vegetable has Nasunin, that is, an antioxidant present only in eggplant and which is responsible for delaying aging.
  • It helps protect the cell membranes present in the brain, an important aspect that favors the exchange of messages (sending and receiving) from molecules to cells.
  • Its light bitter taste is explained by its compounds, recognized for the purifying effects and improving the functions of the liver.
  • It favors the prevention of atherosclerosis.
  • By containing chlorogenic acid, the intake of eggplant helps to lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.

How to give eggplant to my dog

The essential aspect to give eggplant to your dog safely is to cook it. Avoid at all times providing the raw vegetable so that it does not ingest solanine, a fairly toxic substance even in small quantities capable of causing poisoning.

Boiled or cooked eggplant is one of the best options to give it to your furry. To make it have a different flavor and a more appetizing texture for the dog, you can also cook it on the grill, grill or pan. Do different tests to see how he likes it best and, most importantly, if he digests it correctly. You can give it with meat or fish and other vegetables suitable for dogs.

In cases of dogs with kidney problems, the consumption of eggplant is not recommended. The vegetable contains high levels of oxalate, a natural substance that can aggravate these kidney problems. If your little furry has suffered or suffers from these problems, consult the veterinarian beforehand about the convenience of giving eggplant.

Now that you know that dogs can eat eggplant but that you have to give it in small quantities and cooked, never raw or in large quantities even if it is cooked, you may want to learn more about How to Make Homemade Dog Food to discover ideas to combine in their meals.

We also advise you to read these other posts about other vegetables that give rise to doubts when thinking about whether to give them to dogs:

  • Can dogs eat carrots?
  • Can dogs eat artichokes?
  • Pumpkin for dogs: benefits, dosage and how to prepare it

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