Rewarding your cat with a snack, whether it is made specifically for felines or food typical of human food, is a recurring gesture daily. You probably do it with the best of intentions, but you should keep in mind that not all foods are suitable for felines. In this regard, some doubts arise about the convenience of cheese for cats.

There is a wide variety of cheeses with which you can reward your cat, but the main aspect that you should assess before giving a piece is whether it is beneficial or harmful to your health. Therefore, it is convenient to delve into the impact of the intake of this dairy in felines. To find out if cats can eat cheese, when they should take it and the types they can consume, in we recommend that you continue reading this article.
Can cats eat cheese or not?
Cheese can be made with goat’s or cow’s milk, for example, being a great source of animal protein. In addition, it provides fats and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
Cats are totally carnivores, that is, meat and fish are the main sources of their food. Although they are animals that can eat foods with a high carbohydrate content, they should do so in moderate amounts to avoid problems in their digestive system.
So, is cheese good for cats? The answer is not so simple. Felines can eat cheese in their first months of life, that is, when they are puppies. Once they reach adulthood, the vast majority cannot consume it because they develop lactose intolerance.
Dairy allergy and lactose intolerance in cats
The body of puppies generates a large amount of lactase, which is an enzyme capable of digesting lactose from breast milk. Therefore, they can consume cheese in their first months of life without posing a risk to their health.
However, after weaning, lactase production is progressively reduced, which is why many adult cats develop lactose intolerance and cannot eat cheese.
It is important to consider the dairy allergy of adult cats. Otherwise, if they consume cheese on a regular basis, they can suffer problems in the digestive system and suffer symptoms such as gas, diarrhea and vomiting.
If you have just welcomed a puppy cat at home and want to give him cheese, you can do it in small quantities. In any case, consult with the veterinarian what types of cheese are suitable for small felines, the most recommended portions and from what are you should stop giving dairy products so as not to put their health at risk.
Types of cheese cats can eat
To know how to give cheese to a cat in the best possible way, in OneHowTo we recommend that you always do it as a prize or reward during the educational stage of the and in small pieces. He uses food to reinforce his learning and the good behaviors developed, thus stimulating his desire to continue learning.
However, do not always use food as a method of positive reinforcement for your cat, as this could end up developing problems of weight gain, obesity or an assimilation of the connection between obedience and food in return. The best option is to combine snacks such as cheese with toys, caresses, praise and moments of fun so that your feels that his effort is rewarded. Even so, not all cheeses are entirely suitable for our felines.
- Cow’s cheese is one of the cheapest and easiest to find on the market, but it is not the most recommended for your cat.
- Sheep and goat cheeses are easier for felines to digest, so it is important that you give preference to these types of cheese if you want to give some pieces without resulting in a digestive problem associated with lactose intolerance developed by the animal in adulthood.
- Other types of cheese you can add to your cat’s snacks are lean cheeses, such as cottage or lean ricotta.
As you can see, there are several alternatives to please with cheese the demanding appetite of your without risking their health.
How much cheese cats can eat
Cats can consume cheese as long as it is in small quantities. It should mean an eventual snack or a complement to homemade recipes. There is no specific amount of cheese they can eat: it varies depending on their weight, size, health status and the age of each feline.
Therefore, it is crucial to consult with a veterinarian to choose the most appropriate diet for your cat according to their nutritional needs. The specialist can guide you on the introduction of cheese in your diet and advise you on the appropriate doses so that it has a positive impact on the health of the pussycat.
If you want to know more about cat care, we recommend these articles on What to Know Before Adopting a Cat, What Happens If a Cat Eats Chocolate, and Why My Cat Vomits Whole Food.
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