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What are the care of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


All dog breeds require a series of care to enjoy good health and develop physically and mentally. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is no exception, you must know your basic needs to satisfy them, thus guaranteeing your well-being at all times. We point out that it is a dog distinguished by its elegance The delicate appearance and affectionate character of the Cavalier makes it an endearing and popular little furry, so the number of adoptions of this breed is increasing over the years.

What are the care of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

To discover what are the care of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, its origin and physical and behavioral characteristics, in we recommend that you continue reading this article.

Origin of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog

To find the origin of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel you must go back to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, within the English nobility. Its name is explained thanks to the monarch Carlos II, since he was a great lover of this breed. In fact, he considered the Cavalier he had as a member of the royal entourage. Thus, the origin of this breed comes from England and dates back to the reign of Elizabeth I.

Features of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Among the characteristics of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, its physical appearance and behavior must be differentiated:

Physical traits

It is a breed of small size. The Cavalier King Charles reaches a weight ranging between 5 and 8 kilos in adulthood, with a maximum height at the withers of 33 cm. It is characterized by having long ears, a flat snout, a silky and bushy mantle and very expressive and large eyes.


The character of the Cavalier is very lively. It is an active, cheerful and affectionate dog. It has a great capacity to adapt easily to any home and to live with both elderly people and children. This little furry is of balanced temperament and relates without problems with other dogs and pets. Another aspect to highlight of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is that it is not usually very barking, but it warns quickly when it detects the presence of strangers in the home.

Bless you

One of the most important cares of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is health. This breed belongs to the group of brachycephalic dogs, as is the case with bulldogs, pugs and Boston terriers. Therefore, it has a flattened snout and a short nose that can cause certain respiratory problems. Because of this, it is essential that the Cavalier maintains its proper weight and thus must also be prevented from being subjected to extreme temperatures, otherwise it could suffer heat stroke.

Heart problems are other common diseases in Cavaliers dogs, as are hip dysplasia and eye disorders. Their life expectancy ranges from 9 to 14 years.


As it is a small breed dog, its nutritional needs are different from those of larger dogs. A Cavalier King Charles should be fed with a specific feed for small dogs adapted to their metabolism. In addition, this feed should guarantee an optimal daily intake of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, healthy fats and minerals. In order to provide you with all the nutrients and calories your body needs, you must consider different variables such as your health, age and physical activity.


In order to maintain his ideal weight, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel needs to exercise daily to burn all the energy accumulated in his body. In addition, it is important to walk it several times a day on the street. Therefore, spend time with your little furry to play and perform workouts designed to stimulate his restless and active mind by nature.


The Cavalier King Charles are characterized by having a silky coat that needs at least weekly brushing to stay bright and strong. Wondering if the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed sheds hair? Well, thanks to this frequency of brushing, you will prevent your furry friend from shedding hair on the sofa and other rooms of the home.


The great intelligence makes it a dog with an enormous capacity for learning. But, to enhance it, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy must always have learned the rules since childhood. He has a great intellect and ease of training, although it is important to use positive reinforcement in his education and avoid punishment.

Socialization is another of the basic aspects in their education. Fostering their relationship with other dogs, people and even animals is crucial for them to behave well in circumstances in which they are surrounded, as well as in public places and in coexistence with the smallest of the house.

If you are thinking of adopting a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, you should first know if you meet the needs of this breed. In addition, it is also essential to know that animals require a lot of attention and basic care. Therefore, in OneHowTo we offer you this article on What you should know before adopting a dog. Read carefully and reflect before taking any steps.

If you want to read similar articles to What are the care of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, we recommend that you enter our category of Pets.

What are the care of a border collie


To adopt a dog in your home, it is essential to know all the care he needs. It’s the only way to know if you’re prepared to keep them in good health and take responsibility for their education. All breeds have particularities, as is the case of the border collie, which in fact is a dog that is not suitable for any home, so it is important to delve into its basic needs before welcoming it at home.

What are the care of a border collie

There are so many breeds of dogs that it is normal to ignore the more specific physical, psychological and social care of some of them. If you want to adopt a border collie in your family, try to know everything about this breed before making a final decision. To discover what are the care of a border collie, its origin and basic characteristics, in we recommend that you continue reading this article.

Origin and history of the border collie

The border Collie, as it is known today, has its origin in Northumberland, an area located on the border between England and Scotland. Its name is due to this location: Border (Border) and Collie (Useful). In the 1860s the breed gained popularity due to the need to have agile, robust and very intelligent dogs, so that they learned easily, and with dexterity to work long hours in the herds of mountainous and rocky terrain.

Exhibitions became fashionable and Collies quickly entered this world. Of the Collies that the shepherds had, some puppies went to the exhibitions and the shepherds could not continue raising dogs with a double purpose: work and show. Therefore, at the beginning of the twentieth century there was a separation between the Collies of exhibition and those of work. The shepherds raised the breed enhancing their ability to work and those destined for the exhibitions were bred giving greater relevance to their physical appearance and family character.

Herding and agility competitions with sheepdogs helped establish a modern heritage of the Border Collie through a selective breeding plan. In this program, the quality of the ‘eye’ characteristic of the Border Collie was selected and its capacity and style of work, agility and durability, characteristic aspects of this dog breed, were highlighted.

Characteristics of the border collie

Among the most outstanding characteristics of the border collie is its great intelligence, which translates into a great capacity for concentration, agility for learning processes and obedience. It is an affectionate, vigilant, awake, docile and sociable dog with other animals and people.

It is a very curious and herding dog, so it needs a great physical activity and a large space to be able to develop it. Another important aspect that distinguishes him is an enormous loyalty to his family, whom he sees as his group or boss and will always accompany with courage, thus establishing a strong emotional bond. Of course, it is easier to find a single person or two than with all family members if there are many.

Taking into account the characteristics of these dogs, you have to understand that living in the countryside or in large places where you can get your energy is best for them. In addition, for this reason and because they are herding dogs do not usually take very well to live in the middle of large cities, where too many things move at different speeds and these dogs cannot order, guide or manage these objects, people and other animals, they will not pay attention to them. Thus, a sheepdog of this high level of activity can become frustrated and have a lot of stress and anxiety in this situation. Therefore, it is vital to learn about these dogs and know what we can offer them and what we cannot offer them to determine if they are suitable to live with us and our lifestyle or not (or if we and our lifestyle are really the most suitable for them).

Border collie health

Like all dogs, whether breed or mestizo, the border collie needs to go through veterinary reviews periodically. In addition, it is essential that you take it to the veterinarian to comply with its vaccination and deworming program.

It is a dog that generally enjoys good health, but with a genetic predisposition to suffer from hip dysplasia, eye diseases and neurological disorders. Therefore, frequent visits to the veterinarian are the most effective way to prevent or quickly detect any of these pathologies. Here you can read about How to tell if my dog has hip dysplasia.

Feeding the border collie

The energy needs of the border collie are quite high, so their diet is based on a nutritious and energetic feedHigh percentages of meat and fish for protein and vitamins are necessary to meet all your nutritional needs.

This breed can have a delicate stomach, so it is important to find a feed that feels good so that it does not cause discomfort and vomiting due to its stomach sensitivity. For this reason, natural feed is usually better digested by the border collie. The absence or minimal amounts of gluten and cereals also favor good digestion.

Therefore, there are also those who choose to prepare natural food for the border collie, either totally homemade or with several of the options that are on the market today, beyond feed.

Border collie exercise

The border collie needs to take daily walks, at least 3 times a day, for at least 40 minutes. In some of these outings, try to let him run so that he exercises with intensity and channels the accumulated energy. An absence of exercise and loneliness at home causes negative consequences in their behavior, falling into frustration and insecurity, reaching problems such as separation anxiety, constant howling and barking, breaking things at home.

If you find it difficult to take three daily walks of 40 minutes, distribute the routine of at least one hour a day of exercise to meet the physical needs of your little furry. It is also important to stimulate their mind, since they are very intelligent and easily learn almost anything (some learn by themselves just by observing their environment), so it is vital to teach them tricks, orders and other physical and mental activities.

We encourage you to read these other articles on How to go with my dog on a bike and how to exercise with my dog at home.

Border collie hygiene

It is a short- or medium-long-haired dog with a double coat that requires combing at least twice a week. Even so, it is best to brush it daily by combining a card-type brush and a soft one.

You only have to bathe the border collies when they are really dirty, never daily or every week. You have to think that the border collar is a grazing dog and does not need much care in this regard. To bathe him, use a specific shampoo for dogs to avoid damaging the pH of his skin and coat. Here we clarify more about a common doubt in this topic: Can I bathe my dog with my shampoo?

Education and socialization of the border collie

Due to its great intelligence and obedience, the education of the border collie is a process that can be agile but it is still complex, that is, it is convenient to know what we do and, therefore, it is usually better to attend some sessions or classes. You will learn new commands with few repetitions. So that you do not get bored during learning and so that it is really optimal and a good experience, bet on positive reinforcement and activities that are attractive to you, such as running with pets, sheep herding, agility or the search for lost objects.

Regarding its socialization, it is a sociable dog with people and other animals, but in adulthood it can be shyer and more reserved. To have a balanced character, it is important to start the socialization process from puppyhood, maintaining positive contact with other people and animals. In this way, your border collie will be friendly and confident also in adulthood. Here are some tips on how to socialize a puppy with adult dogs and people

If you want to read similar articles to What are the care of a border collie, we recommend that you enter our category of Pets.

What are the care of a Bernese Mountain Dog


Adopting a dog is one of the most important decisions you can make personally and family. The arrival of a dog is a great responsibility for all people who live in the same home because they must be involved to the maximum in the care required by the animal as is the case of the Bernese Mountain Dog or Bernese Bouvier, a breed with a strong and robust physique with specific needs.

What are the care of a Bernese Mountain Dog

Before deciding on the adoption of a Bernese Mountain Dog, it is very important that you inform yourself about all the care you need to know if you are qualified to assume this responsibility. As with other dog breeds, it is a dog with particular physical and behavioral characteristics. To find out what are the care of a Bernese Mountain Dog, in we recommend that you continue reading this article.

Origin and history of the Bernese Mountain Dog

To find the origin of the Bernese Mountain Dog, we must go back to the time of the invasion of Switzerland by the Romans, that is, about 2,000 years ago. At that time, Switzerland was known as Helvetia and had many dogs that worked as shepherds for cattle and as guard dogs.

Probably, the mastiffs of the Romans crossed with the grazing dogs found in the place, thus enduring the harsh climate of the Alps. This crossing allowed to soften his character. At that time, the Bernese Mountain Dog was also used to pull carts that transported textile and dairy products from one municipality to another. Therefore, it follows that the body of this breed was already very strong and energetic.

Characteristics of the Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog stands out for its imposing physical conditions.

  • With an approximate height of 70 cm at the cross and a weight ranging between 48 and 51 kilos, it is a large breed.
  • Its coat is long, slightly wavy and thick, as well as shiny if well cared for.
  • About the colors of the Bernese Mountain Dog, black is the background tone of this breed. It also has white and tan markings. The fire or rust tone is seen on the cheeks, eyes and the corner of the mouth. In addition, it extends to the chest, tail and paws. The white color appears on the chest, on the muzzle and sometimes on their feet.
  • Regarding the character of the breed, it stands out for its joy and the taste for interacting with children, making it an ideal dog to live with as a family. He usually likes to participate in as many family activities as possible, although he is also a quiet dog who enjoys being at home. He is loyal, docile and loving.
  • The Bernese Mountain Dog can live perfectly with other dogs, whether of the same breed, another or mixtures. Also with other animal species, but for this it is essential to begin its socialization stage from puppyhood.

Feeding of the Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog needs a diet rich in vitamins and minerals that allows it to maintain healthy joints and cartilage. Thus, you can reduce possible problems related to mobility in adulthood. He is prone to stomach problems, so it is advisable to give him enough food divided into small doses throughout the day.

In his puppy stage, he must eat a specific feed for dogs under 18 months to develop properly. In adulthood, the best diet of the Bernese Mountain Dog is a specific quality feed for large and active dogs, at the height of their impressive physical tone. Another option is to give them other foods that are not feed, such as wet, dehydrated and rehydrated food afterwards or homemade, but you have to make sure they are as balanced as possible for their needs.

Here you can discover some tips on how to make homemade dog food, but always remember to go to a veterinarian specialized in canine nutrition to guide you in the needs of your dog and how to best meet them.

Bernese Mountain Dog Health

The Bernese Mountain Dog is prone to some health problems. Among them are some types of cancer. Therefore, the life expectancy of this breed is not very high.

Another health problem related to these dogs is hip dysplasia, a disease that causes mobility problems. Taking into account this risk factor, in OneHowTo we recommend you take your little furry to perform veterinary examinations to check the state of his hip, as well as periodic reviews to know his general health and see if it is convenient to act in any aspect to improve it.

Exercise for the Bernese Mountain Dog

Just because he’s generally a calm dog who likes to be at home doesn’t mean he doesn’t need a good dose of activity. In fact, it requires a lot of physical activity on a daily basis. To meet his exercise needs, you should walk him several times a day.

It’s also important to encourage their exercise by organizing games at home and outdoors. Try not to leave him too much time alone, as he enjoys the company of other people and animals.

We encourage you to read this article about How to take my dog by bike.

Hygiene of the Bernese Mountain Dog

Among the basic hygiene care for this breed, it is essential to brush your furry two or three times a week so that it looks bright and healthy. In periods of shedding, it is better to do it once a day. Here you can read about My dog loses a lot of hair: why and what to do.

On the necessary baths, bathe your Bernese Mountain Dog only when it is very dirty, that is, with an approximate frequency of two months at most or, simply, whenever it gets very dirty, for example if it plays in the mud.

Education and socialization

Being a very familiar and intelligent dog, it is quite easy to get him to obey and learn the tricks you teach him and the basic commands. It is only necessary to have a little patience and, above all, dedicate a few minutes each day so that he learns to relate to his environment as best as possible.

The repetition of movements and commands will allow you to improve your behavior. In addition, bet on positive reinforcement so that your Bernese Mountain Dog feels supported and achieves the proposed objectives. Like any other animal, it is a very sensitive dog to punishments and scolding, so the most sensible thing is to avoid them so that they do not negatively influence their behavior and learning.

So, you liked to discover what are the care of a Bernese Mountain Dog and you like large dogs, here you can meet more breeds of large and furry dogs.

If you want to read similar articles to What are the care of a Bernese Mountain Dog, we recommend that you enter our category of Pets.

What are the care of a beagle


Adopting a dog or taking care of it for a certain time is a very big responsibility. Therefore, anyone who considers assuming it must know perfectly the care and specific needs of each breed, as is the case of a beagle, to know if it is able to cover them and if its lifestyle is compatible with the company of a dog.

What are the care of a beagle

A beagle has particular physical characteristics and a temperament that must be known in detail. In addition, it is important to delve into its origin, the ideal food it needs to grow healthy, hygiene, education and socialization from puppyhood. To find out what are the care of a beagle, in we recommend that you continue reading this article.

Origin and history of the beagle

Although the exact origin of the beagle is not known, it is believed that the Romans were the first to breed this breed in England in order to hunt rabbits. However, the beagle began to gain popularity from the sixteenth century.

There were different varieties of the breed until the late nineteenth century. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the beagle breed as it is known today was determined. Although hunting was one of his great skills, he was also a companion dog for Queen Elizabeth I and other historical figures, being one of the most common dogs in homes today.

Characteristics of the beagle

Among the main characteristics of beagles are:

  • It is a dog of medium to small size, since it usually reaches an approximate weight of 15 kilos and an average height of 33 to 40 cm.
  • Their life expectancy ranges between 12 and 15 years on average.
  • Among its physical characteristics, its large and long ears with a rounded tip stand out.
  • It has large brown eyes that contribute to its sweet and endearing appearance.
  • Her hair is soft, short and tricolor: black, white and orange-brown.
  • Regarding its temperament, it is a very sociable breed. They love to play with children and interact with people.
  • The beagle is a very affectionate and faithful dog capable of adapting both to life in an apartment, provided that it is offered the minimum activity it requires outside, and in a country house.
  • It stands out for its impulsive character that plays tricks on it sometimes because of its hunting instinct, since its courage makes them unaware of certain dangers. Therefore, it is important to train and educate him from puppy to channel his enormous energy and always be responsible for him.

Here you can learn more about What a Beagle is like.

Beagle Health

The shape of the beagle’s ears make it a dog prone to accumulating moisture in the ear and suffering from ear infections. They can also suffer the presence of foreign objects, such as spikes from the field, in the ear canal, causing discomfort and even deafness in the most severe cases. Here you can read about How to tell if my dog has otitis.

This breed can also suffer from eye problems, such as cataracts and glaucoma, which due to the increase in eye pressure can cause gradual loss of vision. In addition, the beagle can suffer from skin conditions, such as atopic dermatitis (caused by allergic reactions that lead to itching, redness and peeling) and alopecia.

Beagle feeding

Taking care of the diet of the beagle is very important. They are dogs that love to eat, so they can become overweight if you do not keep track of the portions, the type of food you give them and their usual physical activity. The type of food you need varies according to the vital stage in which you are, but in any case, you should always eat a balanced and quality diet that contributes to maintaining a healthy weight and favors your intestinal transit. The types of feeding of the beagle according to their age are as follows:

  • Puppy: it is a fundamental stage in the feeding of any dog whether of this breed, another or mongrel. The beagle needs high quality feed specific to puppies, healthy and tasty or a homemade diet adapted to their age, activity, etc. It should be appropriate for your age and the nutritional needs you have in order to grow strong and healthy.
  • Adult: food rations should be more controlled and you need to exercise so as not to be overweight. A feed high in fiber content is recommended to regulate your intestinal transit. If your beagle has a few kilos left over, opt for a light feed, a diet with homemade food focused on helping him lose weight in a healthy way and helping him exercise.
  • Senior: the joints, bones and other organs of dogs tend to suffer as they get older and, more or less, from the age of seven we can begin to notice it. Therefore, a good diet can become the best preventive medicine. Use a personalized diet for senior dogs, prepared by a veterinarian, to take care of their bones, joints and other organs in the best possible way.

Here we give you some tips on how to make homemade dog food, but it is always necessary that you consult with the veterinarian the needs of your furry. If possible, go to a veterinarian specialized in canine nutrition.

Beagle exercise

Being dogs with a lot of energy, beagles need to get plenty of exercise to feel good physically and mentally and thus be happier. If you live in a home without enough space for your furry little one to run freely, you should take him out at least three times a day or make long outings. Make sure that one of these walks is long, that is, at least an hour and a half so that he runs and gets tired. It is a very hardworking breed, so it is advisable to go out frequently for your physical and mental well-being.

We recommend you read these tips on How to run with my dog and how to take my dog by bike.

Beagle hygiene

As for maintaining good hygiene of the beagle, it will be easy to keep a healthy and shiny hair. Try to brush it between two and three times a week and bathe it once a month: it will be enough to make it clean.

However, pay attention to their ears because, due to the size and fallen shape, they tend to accumulate moisture and dirt. Check them regularly to clean them so that they do not cause health problems.

Beagle education and socialization

Being a very sociable dog, but it is important to educate him to socialize well, in a positive way for him and others. Despite being a sociable dog with children and adults in general, it encourages this social spirit from puppy so as not to encounter some socialization problems in its adult stage.

He has a very deep attachment to the family and, when separated from it for several hours, he can suffer separation anxiety, leading to destructive behaviors at home and even howling nonstop until you return home.

Therefore, for their well-being and good coexistence with others, their education, and ours in this regard, is fundamental. It can be a complicated process because he can easily get distracted while you teach him, testing your patience. Therefore, we recommend you go with specialists in canine education, ethologists or trainers, who teach you, the dog and the rest of the family to live well and to teach the dog everything necessary in a positive way.

Now that you know what the care of a beagle is, we encourage you to read this other post about a common doubt and that we want to clarify, both in itself and the relative importance it can actually have. Read here about How to tell if a beagle is of breed.

If you want to read similar articles to What are the care of a beagle, we recommend that you enter our category of Pets.

What are the care of a basenji


All dog breeds need special care for the physical and character characteristics they treasure. The basenji is no exception: although it is not a well-known dog throughout the world, it is one of the breeds with more history and antiquity. During its development it has hardly undergone changes, so it has not been modified by the human being from its roots.

What are the care of a basenji

Before adopting any breed of dog, it is necessary that you inform yourself about all the care you need to know if you are able to assume such a great responsibility. In the case of basenji, the same thing happens: their arrival at home affects family life in many ways, so it is important to ensure their well-being. To find out what are the care of a basenji and its origins, in we recommend that you continue reading this article.

Origin and history of basenji

There is evidence about the basenji dog since the Egyptian civilization, that is, more than 5,000 years ago. But the real origins of this breed are in Africa, specifically in the areas of Sudan and Congo were where the first copies were found.

The native population used the basenji as a hunting dog because they were very good at stalking prey, collecting and driving them to the traps set by humans to hunt them. Although it is incredible, it is one of the few races that are preserved semi pure, that is, it has hardly experienced changes that differ from the current specimens with respect to the first ones that were seen.

The only way in which man has intervened in the development of the basenji was precisely in its origins, since the specimens that were not used for hunting were used as food to survive. Therefore, it is a dog that went through a process of natural selection: the less skilled dogs were eliminated and those that demonstrated great skill in hunting remained.

Characteristics of basenji

The physical characteristics of the basenji are as follows:

  • Its approximate height is 40-43 cm, weighs between 10 and 13 kilos and its fur is short and silky.
  • Usually, this breed has three basic hair colors combined with white. These colors are black, brindle and chestnut.
  • It has a high insertion tail and is not very long, staying curled on the back.
  • On the head it has wrinkles on the forehead and the muzzle is medium wide.
  • Its ears are large, erect and triangular in shape, the eyes are dark and almond-shaped and the nose is black.
  • As for the character of the basenji, it is a dog that likes to be busy as it is very active. It’s important to keep him entertained so he channels his energy and doesn’t feel frustrated. It is a playful dog, so it can be a good family companion with the little ones, as long as it is well educated, children also learn to relate to a dog and there is always an adult present, as in any other situation between a minor and an animal. It is a close, kind and affectionate animal with its closest environment.

Basenji Health

A fundamental aspect that you must know to know how to take care of a basenji is what refers to health. It is a breed with a certain tendency to suffer some pathologies. They are as follows:

  • Eye diseases, such as progressive atrophy in the retina.
  • Sensitive skin.
  • Fanconi syndrome, which affects your kidneys.
  • Intestinal problems.

Basenji feeding

Dogs are facultative carnivores, so they are themselves carnivores but can also digest some plant nutrients, such as carbohydrates. Therefore, basenji dogs should eat meat, fish and derivatives, but they can also supplement their diet with some vegetables, such as rice, in small quantities.

It is important that you accustom your furry to eat a food focused on their needs from puppy so that they grow and develop correctly. Remember that these needs, and therefore the food you give them, will vary somewhat during their growth. What you should avoid is to give him food that is in itself human and unbalanced, such as fast food, highly processed foods with many additives, meals with sauces and many spices, etc.

Always inform yourself and talk to your trusted veterinarian to find out which feeding option is best for your dog (good feed, wet food, dehydrated or adapted homemade food). We give you some tips on how to make homemade dog food.

Basenji exercise

The basenji needs to get plenty of exercise. It is a restless and active dog by nature, so it loves to go for a walk every day several times. In general, it adapts without problems to city life and can stay at home for a few hours, if the necessary adaptation is made so that it learns to be calm and at ease, adapting the environment. Do not neglect to take him for a walk several times a day, each walk of several minutes or a few hours, through green areas such as parks, so that he can run and interact with other dogs and people and with his environment in general.

Apart from letting him run and being with other dogs, it is important that you play with him so that he channels the physical and mental energy and your relationship is as good as possible, mutually you will benefit. In this way, you will be able to satisfy their needs in the exercise and also the mental and emotional ones.

We recommend you read this article about How to take my dog by bike.

Basenji hygiene

The basenji is a dog quite aware of its own hygiene. In fact, it is often compared to a cat for the daily grooming routines it carries out. To keep his skin and coat in good condition, it is enough to perform one or two brushes every week and bathe him only when he is really dirty, for example with mud.

In OneHowTo we recommend using a shampoo for dogs and specific for delicate skin, since it is a breed with sensitive skin that requires special care.

Did you know that the basenji is one of the dogs that shed less hair? Here you can meet more breeds that shed little hair.

Basenji education and socialization

Socialization is an essential point in the education of the basenji and any other dog. It requires socialization from puppy to adapt to all possible situations in the best possible way. He can be shy and reserved with people outside his environment, but working this aspect with him from a young age will prevent him from feeling uncomfortable when he is an adult.

With his family, he is a good, close and affectionate dog. He enjoys playing with children as long as he receives the same respect and affection from them. It can present some problems when relating to other animals, since it tends to take a dominant attitude in living with them. Even so, if you educate it properly, it will be able to coexist without problems with other races and species. Remember to educate and socialize him from puppyhood, or as soon as possible, and always from positive reinforcement and positive experiences as much as possible. Never squabble, yell or hit, as it is not an effective way to educate anyone nor does anyone like to receive such treatment and, in reality, it generates the opposite results than expected.

If you want to read similar articles to What are the care of a basenji, we recommend that you enter our category of Pets.

What are dogs’ whiskers for?


One of the most curious aspects of the physical appearance of dogs are the whiskers. Although many people are unaware of the real function of these hairs on the face, they have important uses with respect to health. These are found around the muzzle, above the eyes and in the jaw, being especially embedded in the skin of the animal. Such is the importance of dogs’ whiskers, that their follicles have quite a few nerve endings, which send sensory messages to the animal’s brain. Contrary to what they seem, they are delicate and cannot be considered as another part of a dog’s fur.

What are dogs' whiskers for

Measure distances

Wondering why dogs have whiskers? Well, dog whiskers are called vibrissae because they function as a kind of sixth sense for the furry. These vibrissae protruding from the skin act as a lever-like mechanism: the stimulus they receive from the outside produces a movement that the mustache transmits to the skin follicle. From the follicles, the information is transferred to the brain, decoding it and generating a response. Through this mechanism, the whiskers present on the face of dogs fulfill different functions and one of them is the help to measure distances in the dark. In addition, the air currents perceived by the vibrissae allow us to have an idea about the location of objects and the size of spaces around them.

And, if you want to know how dogs see, in this article we offer you all the information you need to know about your dog.

Protect from particles

Another function of whiskers in dogs is the protection of the eyes. The supraciliary vibrissae, that is, those just above the eyes, help protect them from particles: they first trip over them, being able to propel them with blinks.

Report on temperature

Do you want to know more about what the mustache hairs of dogs are for? Well, the whiskers of dogs also perceive any air current, thus providing information to the animal’s brain about the environmental temperature. Thus, they completely notice the heat and cold through the whiskers.

Explore the world

Another function of vibrissae is that they help the dog explore the world they observe around them. The whiskers send sensory information to their brain and any movement or contact they experience with the air or any other element near the whiskers produces a stimulus in the nervous system. In this way, vital signals are emitted to the canine brain. Vibrissae are one of the physical tool’s dogs have to discover things and determine the shape, speed, and size of objects within reach. In addition, there is a very curious fact: vibrissae in dogs are proportional to their body size, so they allow them to discover if the spaces are large enough to be able to pass through them.

Why My Dog’s Whiskers Fall Out

You have probably detected on more than one occasion that your dog is falling out of the whiskers he has on his face. Don’t know why? Don’t worry, it’s not a negative symptom. In addition, a few days later you will notice that new ones will grow. So, just as they shed their fur, dogs also shed their whiskers. Therefore, it should not cause a concern except in cases where this fall of vibrissae is simultaneous with other symptoms such as possible changes in the behavior of your furry friend or loss of appetite. In this type of situation, it is important that you go to the veterinarian to do an exploration and check if you are suffering from any health problems.

Is it bad to cut the dog’s whiskers?

Although it is proven that dogs molt their whiskers over time, this factor does not imply that they should be removed prematurely. It is always advisable to wait for them to fall through the natural molting process. However, some people doubt whether they can cut the whiskers of dogs or if it is bad to do so, but they consider it in order to improve the physical appearance of their pet. Therefore, it is important to emphasize that it is negative, causing a counterproductive effect. If you cut the whiskers of your little furry one early, he will be helpless because he will lose a basic tactile mechanism that helps him perceive everything around him and helps him orient himself. In addition, cutting the vibrissae is a very uncomfortable process for the animal and even painful if you remove them with some type of tweezers or similar tool.

In short, under no circumstances is it advisable to cut the whiskers of a dog. In fact, dogs that suffer cuts of this type can have scary and distrustful behaviors, since their senses are diminished. It is also important to touch the whisker areas very carefully so as not to create discomfort.

If you want to read similar articles to What are dog whiskers for, we recommend that you enter our pet’s category.

Types of hunting dogs


The hunting instinct of dogs is innate in many breeds. Over the years, some of them have been enhancing their hunting skills and others have been developed to help humans in related tasks, learning specific skills very useful to ensure that hunting activity is carried out successfully.

Types of hunting dogs

It is important to note that not all hunting dogs are created equal. Some breeds have characteristics more suitable to be trained in hunting birds and small animals, capturing prey under the responsibility of the hunter, while other hunting breeds have a very powerful sense of smell and track their prey, locate them and catch them until the arrival of the hunter. To discover the different types of hunting dogs that exist and their main characteristics, in we recommend that you continue reading this article.


Greyhounds are one of the dogs that most help to successfully execute the hunting activity. They have physical characteristics that allow them to reach high speeds, becoming for their speed in ideal dogs to catch prey that run very fast, as is the case of hares.

In fact, the maximum speed at which a greyhound can run is 72 km / h, a very outstanding record to help in hunting tasks along with its gentle, athletic, intelligent and quiet character. Among the greyhounds, there are different breeds, such as the Spanish greyhound and the Arabian greyhound.

Dogs of prey

This group of dogs is characterized by having a corpulent appearance and possessing a strong jaw. Historically, they have been trained to catch larger prey such as deer, wild boar, and even bears.

They have a determined and stubborn temperament, so they do not give up easily to the challenge of catching prey no matter how difficult it is. With an approximate height of 56 to 65 cm and a weight ranging between 50 and 65 kilos, they have a powerful physique for hunting. Within this group are the Dog Argentina and the Presa Canarian, among others.


Hounds are dogs with a highly developed sense of smell, so they are an ideal companion to locate the trail left by the trajectory of prey. Usually, they help a lot in small game tasks, but they also have the ability to locate larger prey such as deer and wild boar. Among the hound dogs, there are different breeds such as the beagle and the basset hound.

Discover what are the care of a beagle.

Sample dogs

Known in English as ‘pointer’, show dogs are very effective in recognizing prey, as well as informing the hunter. They have an instinct that makes them show or point with their muzzle the place where the hunted animal is.

Among the most representative sample dogs are the English setter with an average height of 64-69 cm, the French pointer with a height of 47-58 cm and the Korthals griffon with a height ranging between 56 cm and 61 cm.


Terriers are known as burrowing dogs. Due to their small size (they do not usually exceed 12 kilos and have a height ranging between 42 cm and 48 cm), they are very skilled companions for small game and small prey. Therefore, it is an ideal dog for hunting small animals, either above or below ground. Among the terriers are different breeds, such as the airedale terrier and the American pitbull terrier. Retriever

Today, the golden retriever breed is considered one of the best dog breeds to do rescue or auxiliary work. They also make excellent companion dogs thanks to their gentle character, as well as being affectionate and intelligent.

However, in their origins they were considered as hunting dogs due to their abilities to search and recover hunting pieces that had been injured or killed during hunting activity. With a height ranging between 51 cm and 61 cm and a weight between 25 and 34 kilos, they have a remarkable physical power for hunting. Another breed of retriever dog is the Labrador retriever.

We recommend you read this article about How to know if my golden is pure.


The spaniel was originally bred for the elimination of the thickness of small game pieces. These dogs have a great ability to quickly reconnoiter territory and to find downed prey with great ease. Because of these skills, the spaniel is one of the fundamental dog breeds for hunting. Within this group we find the Breton spaniel and the cocker spaniel.

Water dogs

Water dogs are highly valued by hunters as they have a great facility to make quick and agile movements both in and out of the water. Therefore, they are very good collaborators when it comes to catching waterfowl in rivers and swamps.

To these skills we must add the innate hunting instinct of this type of race. Therefore, they are one of the dogs that are most used for the montería. Among the water dogs are different breeds, such as the Spanish water dog and the Portuguese water dog. You may be interested in How to know if a water dog is pure.

Now that you know the types of hunting dogs, we invite you to read this other article about the calmest dog breeds.

If you want to read similar articles to Types of hunting dogs, we recommend that you enter our pet’s category.

The most affectionate cat breeds


Despite the unfair fame that has been created around cats that they are cold and detached from humans, the truth is that the lucky ones who can have a feline companion at home will have realized that they are animals with great sensitivity and attachment to the living beings with which they live and share. Although they are historically less domesticated animals than dogs, today there are dozens of different breeds and each has tended to develop a different character and characteristics. There are more intelligent, independent, sleepier or more curious. There are even those who like water.

The most affectionate cat breeds

However, if you are thinking of adopting your next friend with mustaches and want to make sure that he tends to be as affectionate and friendly as possible, in this new article of we are going to review the most affectionate cat breeds although the truth is that any kitten can develop a great attachment and love towards his human.

Scottish Fold

These friendly cats appeared after an alteration in their genes that made their ears have a forward orientation, as if folded, hence their name “fold”. Over time, the Scottish fold breed or Scottish fold was increasingly popular and today it is quite frequent to see. Their character is very friendly, affectionate and dependent, so, contrary to what is thought, they do not like to be alone for a long time.


The sphynx or sphinxes are not the only breed of cat that has absolutely no hair, or that has very few, but they are the best known. This makes them ideal for feline lovers who, unfortunately, are allergic to their fur. One of the factors that makes this breed of cat affectionate is that not having a natural coat, they constantly look for a source of heat and there is nothing better than their human to find shelter.

Here you can read about How to care for a sphinx cat and Hairless cat breeds.

Maine Coon

These cats, from North America, are large and have colors and shape that for a long time, and erroneously, has been thought to be the result of a mixture with a raccoon. However, apart from the fact that this is biologically impossible, there are currently many colors within this feline breed. In addition, they are a very sociable breed that likes to be in company, even if it is simply to be lying near us.

Learn more about How is the cat Maine Coon with this other post.


This breed, known as Ragdoll in English (rag doll in Spanish), is one of the best known and is recommended if you have never had experience with felines before, since it is proven that they are one of the most friendly, docile and kind cats in the world of cats. It is common for them to follow you around the house, demand your attention and want to be close to you all the time.


Siamese twins are one of the oldest breeds of cats known and it must be precisely because of their long history close to humans that they have become one of the most affectionate and kind to their owners. With piercing blue eyes, Siamese twins are the perfect companions.

In this other article we tell you how to care for a Siamese cat.


Despite their serious and elegant appearance, Persian cats are one of the calmest and friendliest breeds out there. Tremendously popularized in North America, this breed is ideal for people who live in apartments, since Persians are not very energetic cats and enjoy sleeping and taking advantage of the pampering of their humans.

Learn here How to know if a Persian cat is pure.


Superstitions have labeled them as black cats are a symbol of bad luck, but the truth is that having a Bombay cat in your life is a gift. This breed is gentle and faithful to humans and for decades many people have listed them as one of the most affectionate cat breeds.


Tonkinese cats are a mix between Burmese and Siamese cats. Their particular appearance has made them very popular cats among feline lovers. Its character is characterized by being calm and cuddly, being ideal if you want a cat that enjoys your affection and company.

American Shorthair

This is one of the most numerous and common breeds to have as a pet in the West. His character is docile and gentle with humans. Unlike other breeds, which have no shame in invading your space to demand attention, American shorthair cats are quite patient and will always be close to you waiting for you to give them affection.


With an elegant and gentle appearance, Burmese cats are a very affectionate and homely breed, able to accept other species as friends, as well as children in the house. His character is very affectionate and playful. Don’t be fooled, because everything they have as handsome, they have cuddly.

Other breeds of affectionate cats

As we said at the beginning of the article, despite having breeds characterized as the most affectionate, cats are exceptional animals and each one develops its own character and tastes. Even so, apart from those already mentioned, these are other breeds of cats especially affectionate, in general because each cat has individual traits, which will be eager to receive your attention if you adopt them:

  • Kinkalow
  • Norwegian Forest
  • Angora
  • Russian Blue
  • Exotic
  • Somali
  • Roman
  • Havana
  • Munchkin
  • Siberian

If you have enjoyed meeting several of the most affectionate cat breeds, you may also be curious to discover 5 small cat breeds.

If you want to read similar articles to the most affectionate cat breeds, we recommend that you enter our pet’s category.

The largest cat breeds


There is a wide variety of cat breeds with different sizes. The largest stand out for their character and nobility. They can be considered as giants, transmitting a splendor that falls in love with everyone. Such is their size that even some of them have a similar appearance to tigers, sharing attitudes and behaviors as calm and sleepy animals.

The largest cat breeds

In all countries you can find large breeds of cats, so the list is immense. Therefore, in we make a compilation of breeds of giant domestic felines. To discover the 10 largest cat breeds, their physical and behavioral characteristics, we recommend that you continue reading this article.

Siberian cat

The Siberian cat is a breed from Russia. It is characterized by being a feline of primitive physique and size of medium to large, with a robust complexion and its fur is medium long, dense and with a resistant and waterproof outer layer. This fine, bushy coat protects it from the cold in winter by keeping its body temperature warm.

It is a breed that gives off a charm of the miniature wild cat. It has the longest legs, a muscular body and exceeds 9 kg. You are considered an adult when you reach 3 years of age. Among its physical characteristics highlights the round head, with a curved forehead, medium and wide ears and large eyes. The color of their eye’s changes depending on the coat: yellow, golden, blue, green or bicolor tones.

Here you can learn more about How is a Siberian cat.

Maine coon

Its name corresponds to the place of origin of the breed, that is, the state of Maine (United States). The term “coon” is short for “racoon”, meaning raccoon. According to its name you can think that the Maine Coon is a hybrid race between the wild cat and the raccoon, but nothing is further from reality.

An adult male Maine coon reaches a height of more than 70 cm, weighing more than 10 kg. Despite its imposing size, it is an affectionate, playful and sociable cat, with a great ability to meow in different tones.


The origin of the Nebelung breed was given in the 80s in the United States by the crossing of a blue Russian cat with a female long-haired common cat. From this crossing were born puppies of great fur and bluish tone. It is a characteristic breed of its area of origin and is difficult to find in other parts of the world.

The Nebelung is a splendid cat, with a long hair of bluish gray tone and a weight that exceeds 6 kg. It is robust and muscular, with erect ears, round yellow or green eyes and a very hairy tail.

Norwegian Forest

The Norwegian Forest is a breed of cat that is characterized by having a dense coat, which allows it to survive the low temperatures of the Scandinavian countries. They are felines with a robust build that exceeds 9 kg in weight in adulthood.

Despite their great weight, they are not excessively high. It is a very wild cat breed initially, with a great hunting instinct. They are fast and agile, but they also like to play and be friendly.


Translated into Spanish as rag doll, the Ragdoll is a breed resulting from the crossing between other breeds such as the Siamese, Persian and Burmese. It is a huge cat, with a calm and sleepy temperament, with a habitual need to feel accompanied. In fact, it is part of The Most Affectionate Cat Breeds.

Another of its characteristics is that it has a long childhood, since it is considered that it reaches adulthood at 3 years of life. Regarding the size, it reaches a height of more than 90 cm and a weight of up to 9 kg.

Persian cat

Originally from Turkey, the giant Persian cat is considered an aristocratic feline for being very serene and elegant and for having been part of royal families and high society for centuries. He is able to captivate with a penetrating gaze, an aspect for which he is also known as the “lord of cats”.

The giant Persian cat has a large head, flat muzzle and a muscular and strong body. It reaches 50 cm in length and a maximum weight of 7 kg.

We recommend you read about How to know if a Persian cat is pure.

Oriental cat

It is a breed originally from Thailand, with a refined profile and a long face with fine, pure and subtle lines. It is medium to large in size and has a slender figure, a muscular body and a fine, short, shiny coat.

As for its temperament, the oriental cat is superb and proud, but also lively, curious, faithful, sensitive and affectionate. Being sociable and playful, this feline breed does not tolerate loneliness well.


The savannah is a large cat, originating from the cross between a serval and a domestic cat. It has a slender body and is characterized by having specks marbled or splashed on the body.

This feline weighs around 11 kilos and is an uncommon breed. They are believed to be friendly and sociable, but very little is really known about the savannah’s personality.

Scottish fold

The Scottish Fold is a breed originating in Scotland that is characterized by its muscular complexion. It is medium-sized and reaches 6 or 7 kg in weight. It has a rounded head, small, folded ears, hence its name “fold”, a short muzzle and short fur. About the temperament of this cat, it is calm, affectionate and friendly. It has a life expectancy of between 12 and 14 years.

British shorthair

It is a fairly large feline breed, descended from the hybridization between cats that the Romans and natives of the island brought to Britain. It has a dense and almost waterproof coat that protects it from the cold characteristic of the British climate.

It is a hunter cat of large size and with a weight that exceeds 8 kg. Her personality is defined as sweet and affectionate; she loves to feel loved and physical contact. Being cheerful and playful, it is a great companion for children.

Now that you’ve discovered large cat breeds, we encourage you to get to know these 5 small cat breeds and these other 7 hairless cat breeds.

If you want to read similar articles to the largest cat breeds, we recommend that you enter our pet’s category.

The calmest dog breeds


Genetics is an influential factor in the behavior and character of dogs, but it is not determinative. The personality and education he receives are other aspects with a great impact on the dog, thus forging a calmer or nervous character depending on the circumstances.

The calmest dog breeds

It is undeniable that some dog breeds have a tendency to tranquility. Both large and small, since weight and height do not determine whether a dog is calm, nervous, aggressive or affable. It should also be noted that a calm dog may need large exercise sessions, as well as one with a nervous character. To discover the calmest dog breeds, in we recommend that you continue reading this article.


The pug or pug is a small dog with a sweet appearance. Its character is calm and gentle, so it is considered as a calm dog breed. He enjoys the company of children and adults and, although he likes to play, he is a homemade dog. It is a brachycephalic dog, so it tends to choke a little when doing intense exercises. Therefore, try to have a calm and calm attitude both at home and on the street.

Here we tell you How to educate a pug.


Although it needs to do daily physical exercise, the greyhound is a very calm breed. He must play every day and run to release all the energy he accumulates in his body and feel good mentally, but at home he usually has a calm demeanor.

Greyhounds hardly bark and do not usually have problems with other dogs. They love to lie down with their relatives to relax and enjoy caresses.

Learn in this other article How to care for a greyhound.

Saint Bernard

The Saint Bernard is a breed of dog with a calm character and exquisite behavior. It is a large dog, obedient and very tame, so it is a perfect breed to live with children. In fact, it has a fairly pronounced protective instinct towards the smallest of the home.

Another advantage of the San Bernardo is their enormous predisposition to training. It is very easy to teach him basic commands, since he learns them quickly by his intelligence and obedience.

Learn about How to care for a Saint Bernard with this other post.

Great Dane

The Great Dane or German Dog stands out for being one of the largest breeds in the world, but also for being a homemade and quiet dog. He usually walks slowly and needs some exercises, but of low intensity.

Although the Great Dane is a perfect dog for people who take quiet walks, it does not mean that it does not require going out every day. He needs at least two or three walks a day to interact with other dogs, exercise and play, like any other dog.

Here’s more about How to Care for a Great Dane.

Spanish Mastiff

It is one of the best livestock guard dogs due to its large size and strength. He is affectionate and meek; shows great loyalty to his family and remains calm being surrounded by children.

The Spanish Mastiff is a balanced dog and little barking. In general, its attitude is calm, relaxed and serene, so it is the best friend for people who move little and who want to have the company of a large dog.

English Bulldog

The English bulldog is a corpulent and robust dog, but of size between small and medium and with a great attachment to humans. It stands out for its affability and the tranquility with which it behaves. Because of its own physiognomy, because it is brachycephalic, it cannot do much exercise, so it is an ideal dog for slow walks.

In this link we tell you How to care for a bulldog.

Shar pei

Shar Pei are calm and affable dogs. They love to be at home with human company and do not require excessive physical exercise. It is an excellent companion for people looking for a homemade and calm breed, but the wrinkles of its skin force to maintain a careful hygiene to avoid the appearance of fungi.

In this article we tell you how to take care of the wrinkles of a Shar pei.

Basset hound

If you are looking for a good roommate, the basset hound is the ideal candidate. It is an affectionate, familiar, affable and calm dog. He adapts to living in small apartments with ease since his two great passions are very basic: sleeping and eating.

Having short legs, they are not fast and prefer quiet walks. The dogs of this breed are not very playful either, so they are a perfect company for people looking for peace and calm next to a small furry.

Learn more about How to care for a basset hound by reading this other article.

Pyrenean Mastiff

It is another large and very quiet dog. The Pyrenean Mastiff stands out for being protective and calm, as well as for its loyalty, nobility and bravery. His protective instinct must be well channeled, because if you do not work with him and barely socialize with other dogs and people, he can develop a territorial sense and distrust of strangers.

Akita inu

Of Japanese origin, this breed is beautiful in appearance and large size. In general, it maintains a calm and calm attitude in stressful situations and is a tremendously loyal dog. It stands out for being a very little barking dog, so it is very quiet and calm.

Despite the tranquility that characterizes it, the akita inu requires daily exercise combining play sessions that let you run with relaxed walks.

In this other post we tell you how to take care of an akita inu.


Bloodhounds are docile and calm dogs. Show great patience and tolerance with children, strangers and other dogs and animals. Being so obedient, his training is simple.

This breed does not tolerate loneliness well, so it is important to teach him to be alone at home for a few hours so that he does not develop destructive behaviors and separation anxiety.


Looking for a small, quiet dog? The Pekingese meets these characteristics. He loves to spend many hours on the couch with his legal guardian and leisurely walks. Despite his small size, he is a very brave and loyal little furry, defending his family without hesitation in any situation he considers dangerous.

Due to their protective instinct, the Pekingese tends to be suspicious of strangers. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to their socialization from puppyhood.


The Samoyed is a dog with a very peculiar appearance, like a teddy bear. The elegance and beauty that characterizes it are accompanied by an affable and calm character. It is an affectionate, friendly and lively dog that has a great relationship with children.

This breed is also sociable with other dogs and animals. It responds well to training and requires mental stimuli to stay balanced, since it is a dog of great intelligence. Daily exercise is another of your basic needs.

Here are some tips on how to care for a Samoyed.

Chow chow

The chow chow is a dog with the appearance of a small lion. It is a very quiet breed, so it is perfect to live in a flat or house. It adapts well to a variety of spaces as it is medium-sized and its character is reserved, calm and independent.

The chow chow establishes a strong bond with his human family and quickly develops a great sense of loyalty and protection. Among his favorite activities is not exercise, being in this way a small furry ideal for calm walks and brief game sessions.

In this link you will see more about How to care for a chow chow.


It is another dog with the appearance of a bear and of great size. He is sociable, affectionate, good-natured, silent, calm, sweet and balanced. Although not overly playful, the Newfoundland loves to play and swim in the water.

The dogs of this breed usually get along well with other dogs and with the smallest of the house. They do not require much daily exercise, but they do need to walk with at least three walks a day, receive mental stimuli to maintain balanced behavior and interact with other dogs.

Here we explain how to train a Newfoundland dog.

Bergamo Shepherd Dog

This breed belongs to the family of sheepdogs. It is a calm, patient, familiar and affable dog. It is also quite independent, so it has a great ability to solve problems or situations that arise.

The bergamasco is easily related to other dogs and animals. Despite having guard dog and shepherd skills, it is not aggressive and only requires one to three daily walks to release the energy it accumulates in its body.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This breed is characterized by having an affable behavior and by its nobility. She is good with other dogs and children. He enjoys moderate exercise daily, but loves spending hours on the couch or bed with his family.

The Cavalier King Charles spaniel is a perfect dog for people who want to adopt a small and calm dog. It is important to allow him to play and walk outdoors daily to chase and explore things, thus channeling his curiosity about the environment around him.

Now that you have discovered all these breeds of the calmest dogs, you may also be interested in knowing which are the most affectionate dogs.

If you want to read similar articles to the calmest dog breeds, we recommend that you enter our pet’s category.