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Do dogs eat fruit?

Do dogs eat fruit?

The diet of dogs is not the same as that of humans because they are not so omnivorous. Their diet is more carnivorous, but they are still animals that closely approximate the large spectrum of edible vegetables of people. The canine body tolerates most fruits and vegetables, many of which provide multiple nutritional benefits.

Do dogs eat fruit

Doubts about the appropriateness of fruit consumption in dogs is reasonable, since they are more sensitive to fructose than humans. The size and weight of a dog is decisive when it comes to knowing how much fruit he can eat without posing a risk to his health. To find out if dogs eat fruit, the benefits they bring them and what fruits they can consume, we recommend that you continue reading this article.

Do dogs eat fruit or not?

Fruits are rich and healthy foods for both humans and dogs. It is important to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables in dogs so that their diet is complete, thus benefiting from the nutritional contribution of vegetables.

However, dogs cannot eat any type of fruit or, above all, excessive amounts. Fructose can affect them in the body, causing severe damage to their health. In addition, the consumption of some fruits can cause allergic reactions in dogs.

Therefore, in OneHowTo we recommend that, although dogs can eat fruit, you incorporate each one little by little into the diet of your little furry. By offering a new one every few days, you can detect if it feels good or bad and what fruit it is specifically to avoid giving it in the future.

Benefits of fruit for dogs

The fruit provides a series of benefits for the canine organism. They are as follows:

  • They provide vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system.
  • They offer high digestibility, so their consumption does not cause digestive problems.
  • They contain fiber, favoring a correct intestinal transit.
  • It provides antioxidants that protect the health of the dog against possible diseases.
  • Its proportion of water allows to keep dogs hydrated.

Despite all the benefits of the fruit, its main drawback for dogs are the high levels of sugar it contains, being very harmful to the animal. Therefore, they should be given in small amounts and with a moderate frequency.

What fruits dogs eat

  • Dogs love the flesh of apples and pears and although they can eat them, it is important to limit the amount because of the sugars they contain. They are composed of 80% water, have a moisturizing effect and are satiating thanks to their soluble fiber, being highly recommended for overweight dogs that need to lose a few kilos. In the case of apples, it is advisable to remove the seeds because they can provide cyanide to the canine stomach.
  • Papaya, pineapple, loquats and mango are also recommended fruits for dogs. They are slightly acidic tropical fruits and rich in water-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin C. In addition, they provide satiating soluble fiber and supply the intestinal flora.
  • Watermelon and melon are more fruits that dogs can eat. They are ideal to keep them well hydrated, especially in summer, in addition to satiating them due to their high fiber and water content. The amount of melon should be restrained because it contains more sugars.
  • Kiwi and banana are also pieces of fruit that you can consume. In the case of bananas, despite being a rich source of vitamins, they can find it a bit indigestible, so you should give it in moderation.

In this article you will learn about Dogs Can Eat Watermelon? You will learn more about how to give it to them and its benefits.

How to give fruit to dogs

There are a number of aspects that you should take into consideration when giving fruit to dogs. They are important for them to benefit from their properties without putting their health at risk. They are as follows:

  • Some fruit seeds contain cyanide. Although the risk of toxicity is low, it is advisable to remove the seeds before giving the pieces of fruit to your furry friend.
  • Fruit is an ideal snack for your dog between meals, before the meal, since most of them have a satiating effect.
  • You can never base your dog’s diet on fruit. You should always give it as a prize or snack and in small quantities so that your diet is balanced.
  • You should peel and cut the fruit into small pieces to avoid the risk of choking.

Fruits that dogs cannot eat

Dogs can eat almost all fruits, but some of them are not recommended and should be avoided such as the following:

  • Gooseberries are toxic. Although they do not give external or visible symptoms, their consumption can cause kidney failure.
  • Raisins are complicated to digest and can lead to kidney damage.
  • They do not digest avocado well, as it contains persin, a substance that is toxic to dogs, cats, horses and even some birds.

Now that you know if dogs eat fruit, don’t miss these articles on whether dogs can eat lemon? and can dogs eat strawberries?

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